Soda Bread in Time and Space in Murphy’s Irish Bar in Akashi, Japan
The GeoPose ARu Tour of Japan has been fast paced; full of cherry blossoms, airplanes, long hikes and bullet trains. So much to write about, but for now I will jot down some notes about the unusual occurrence that took place very late the night of April 11, 2023: a Tuesday.
It started with the police.
Next: sushi
Then, off to the public bath.
Before I progress, I should clarify a few things. First, Akashi is a very pleasant place, but I had never heard of it until a few hours before I arrived there. I found it purely because of logistics, as I was looking for an interesting place to photograph on my way to Kobe.
Secondly, I should explain that my first public GeoPose AR project was the creation of the Maith AR gallery, located in the Irish Cultural Museum of New Orleans.
And, the first exhibition in Maith is entitled Soda Bread in Time and Space. The exhibition is also on display in New York City, at the amazing Mary O’s.
SO… when my eyes fell upon the sign for Murphy’s Irish Bar… I felt it was both my duty and destiny to enter. Or maybe I just wanted a pint.
Dave, the owner made me feel welcome immediately. The Tuesday crowd was such that we could exchange stories nicely. I learned that Murphy’s is the oldest Irish bar in Japan that is actually owned by an Irishman. And Dave learned about my experiences as the spatial cinema artist of the OARC, the Open Augmented Reality Cloud.
Dave, of course, pronounced Maith in proper Gaelic; it should sound something like ‘moth’. However, my corrupted version, “Mayth” will likely be the pronunciation used outside of the hearing range of speakers of Gaelic. ( To keep the story short, ‘maith’ is a Gaelic word that means ‘nice’.)
The next thing you know we were making GeoPose AR history.
On a technical level, I am extremely grateful to the following companies and organizations:
Augmented.City: scanning; the creation of a digital twin of Murphy’s wall.
XR Masters: model placement and model creation
Novaby: 3D model of Bubiko (on their website, check out the description of the Butterfly Project for the Strong National Museum of Play, which I was heavily involved with.)
Flamingo Filters: Facebook Spark for Bubiko
Area 505: Motion capture for Bubiko
Six Cats Studio: digital planning
My first NFT is now online, but that is a topic for another post.
Have a Maith day!