NYAR@ Columbia AR art exhibition (7/25/2002)+ notes on NYC projects by MAITH
Varjo/Brandon Turnage/ HeadsetAR/VR WOW
MAITH Kueh AR LAB coming soon to Lady Wong. Thanks to Lady Wong, guests were able to sample rainbow kuehs. Guests could also see the floating kueh project.
MAITH NFT Countdown. Test Mockup 1. Test Mockup 2
Brooklyn Commons GeoPose AR test: A clip from NYC Mayor Adam’s speech from this video, positioned in space.
Kirell Benzi creates striking visual art from data. These three examples, from his piece about Pokemon, were placed in Brooklyn Commons, next to the video of Mayor Adams.
Mary O!
A Pou Taste is the small restaurant with the best Taiwanese food in Brooklyn. It is also where you can find the AR tests for the Soda Bread in Time and Space Exhibition .
Coming soon: A Flock of Bagels invades Anne’s Cafe!
What Maith/SB was up to last year.
In 2019, Stephen started Maith
to represent XR artists and producers, create XR exhibitions/experiences and develop projects. Maith has created a soda bread exhibition for the Irish Cultural Museum of New Orleans, organized talks for the Altimetrik Collider in Detroit, participated in the Bushwick Open Studios and is now creating an AR Kueh Lab with Lady Wong Patisserie on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Stephen has given presentations about his work at MIT, HKPolyU, TechCrunch Shenzhen, the VIEW Conference and other notable venues.
Technical support has been provided from Augmented.City, Novaby, XR Masters, Mad Marker Studios, Flamingo Filters and Six Cats Studios. Stephen is the 2022 resident spatial cinema artist of the OARC, the Open Augmented Reality Cloud, an international volunteer group of professionals working for an open and ethical metaverse.
SB bio
Stephen Black’s 2019 short film, entitled Bubiko: First Flight, is said to be as historic as the world’s first website, as it was the first large public project made with GeoPose AR. GeoPose AR is, basically, the spatial web/ the foundation of the metaverse.
A graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology (BFA: Photographic Illustration), with lifelong experience in Asia, Stephen’s career includes projects for, or with: Cartoon Network, CNN, Fox, Turner Classics, Fuji TV, Canon, Sony, Kandao, Kenzo, Kazuko Masui, Stelarc, Xu Xi, Annie Leibovitz, Eugene Soh, Kazuo Ono, Kumiko Akiyoshi, Dentsu, Suntory, the Rivington School of New York, Daniel Bainbridge, and more. Stephen is a recognized video maker, a bestselling author/publisher, a visual artist and a photographer.
In 2015, Stephen began to focus exclusively on web3. In 2017, with Sayuri Okayama, Bubiko Foodtour was created to explore AR, VR, NFTs, POAPS, phygital collectibles and more.