Maith at Incubizo January 22, 2025
Thanks to One Million Cups (1MC) and Incubizo, I will again be sharing the story of Maith. 8:30–10 AM Wednesday, January 22.
Maith is my company. Maith creates installations that display content using Augmented Reality. No app is needed. The content could be 2D, like photos or signs. 3D objects are also possible, like products, sculptures, people or animals. Videos can be displayed, and so can music and other forms of audio.
Following the guidelines of 1MC, I will present the accomplishments and challenges of Maith. My presentation will be followed by questions and suggestions from those attending.
Although I established Maith in August of 2024, I first committed myself to researching Augmented Reality in 2015. Since then, I have presented at Hong Kong PolyU, TechCrunch Shenzhen, the VIEW Conference, NY Tech Week and, twice, at MIT.
Maith is committed to using AR to create exhibitions and installations.Recent research involves safety.
Here are some of the areas I have worked in:
Tourism and Hospitality: Clarksdale MS, Notodden Blues Festival, DaCapo Coffee Shop.
Sports: Demonstrations for the Lake Erie Crushers (baseball), and the Toledo Mudhens.
Art: Brooklyn/Bushwick Open House (w Daniel Bainbridge), Dance +AR in Bari, Italy w choreographer Ezio Schiavulli.
Mapping: Glass City Convention Center (Toledo OH), Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, Lisbon, Portugal, Public Market, Rochester NY
Museums: Irish Cultural Museum of New Orleans, Strong National Museum of Play (Rochester NY)
Maith is committed to creating all kinds of AR experiences, building upon ten years of hands on experience.
A compilation of projects from 2023/4. + more info about Stephen Black.
Maith newsletter:
50,000,000 people will become aware of Maith in 2025. Thank you for being one of them!