Stephen Black
3 min readDec 2, 2024
One rainy day in Kobe…

日程と場所が確定。詳細は近日中に!Confirmed dates and locations. However, please check this page as the dates get closer, as unexpected changes may occur. ただし、予期せぬ変更が生じる可能性もありますので、日程が近づきましたら、このページをご確認ください。More locations soon. 近日中に開催地が増える。

March 25 Fukuoka: Business Casual at Off Broadway

March 28: Akashi: Guinness and Tech Night Murphy’s Irish Pub

March 31 Tokyo : Bassist Rei Shimizu performs.

April 2: Tokyo: Elcom Walk

April 3 Tokyo: (private)

April 5 Kanayama, Nagoya: Brazil Coffee House a weeklong exhibition, w a performance by a super interesting band!

April 12 Kyoto: various locations

April 13–15 Kyoto WILL (World Immersive Learning Labs)

April 18 Tokyo: Nerd Nite

5月10日頃まで日本に滞在する予定なので、場所はさらに追加される予定です。More locations will be added as I will be in Japan until about May 10.


シンガポール、バリ、香港に住む前は日本に住んでいた。今は故郷のオハイオ州トレドを拠点にしています。私はアート、執筆、写真、テレビ番組制作の世界でさまざまなことをしてきました。2023年と2024年に、桜を出発点として、写真で日本を再発見するプロジェクトを始めました。このプロジェクトでは、2015年から研究している位置情報ベースのAR(拡張現実)を活用しています。香港PolyU、TechCrunch Shenzhen、VIEW Conference、MIT(2回)でARに関するプレゼンテーションを行いました。私はOARCの空間シネマアーティストです。

観光に関しては、ミシシッピ州クラークスデールとノルウェーの2つの場所でプロジェクトを行ったことがある: フレドリクスタとノトデンだ。また、2023年ニューヨーク・テック・ウィークの一環である「トラベル&ホスピタリティ・ナイト」でプレゼンテーションを行いました。




オンワード, onwARd!

My newsletter/website about people, tech and art.

Augmented Reality is featured often.

My newsletter/website is about Japan. Now it contains only my photos, but I will be adding stories and information soon.

Voyapon, a website specializing in Off-the-beaten-path destinations supports the Nice and Clear Tour



Kobe, near Chinatown


Before I lived in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Bali, I lived in Japan. I am now based in my hometown, Toledo Ohio. I have done many things in the worlds of art, writing, photography and TV production. In 2023 and 2024 I began a project to rediscover Japan with photography, using sakura as a starting point. The project utilizes location-based Augmented Reality, which I have been researching since 2015. I have given presentations about AR at Hong Kong PolyU, TechCrunch Shenzhen, the VIEW Conference and MIT (2x). I am the spatial cinema artist of the OARC. As for tourism, I have done projects for Clarksdale, Mississippi and two places in Norway: Fredrikstad and Notodden. I also gave a presentation at Travel and Hospitality Night, which was part of the 2023 New York Tech Week.

The Maith Tour has three goals

  • Use AR to display my photographs of Japan
  • Showcase the possibilities of AR
  • Create a network of people who can use the possibilities of AR.

Besides projects all over Japan, I am now actively pursuing how to be involved with the 2025 Osaka Expo. This may seem very difficult because of the lack of time. However, we should remember that with AR, there are no physical objects; no walls are needed, no printing, shipping etc. All that is needed is a QR, code, wifi and a mobile phone. Promotion can be done entirely with social media. As for funding, yes, this is a consideration, but certainly, even a small amount of financial support will result in great results.

I should clarify that in the case of the Osaka Expo, I can function as a producer of AR exhibitions. Meaning for example, that an exhibiting country could have an AR photo exhibition featuring photos and artworks showcasing their country. I am now actively contacting media and social influencers. Voyapon has kindly agreed to share news about the Maith Tour.

It would seem that a world Expo should have a dynamic showcase of AR, and it would be my honor to accomplish this.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Stephen Black

I have a newsletter/website about people, tech and art. Augmented Reality is featured often.

This newsletter/website is about Japan. Now it contains only my photos, but I will be adding stories and information soon.

Please look at the top of this post to see confirmed dates.



Food stall in Kobe Chinatowm
Stephen Black
Stephen Black

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