Dream of the Red Carpet
I’m simply sharing a dream come true, and having a bit of fun.
Bubiko Foodtour went to Cannes! Bubiko, a little chef from the middle of nowhere in Thailand, is on the red carpet of Cannes!
Yes, I know this is not as impressive as Niantic buying 6D.ai, or as technically important as geopose. But it is a very pleasant thrill and honor to work with AR-based artists and technicians to create something that is more of an expression of joy than anything else.
(I am not naive: I do hope, and work towards, economic possibilities and rewards for all of us, Bubiko-themed or otherwise.)
I may be speaking for myself (and Sayuri Okayama), but this little Bubiko-in-Cannes app is worth more to me than any award.
However, we do have plans for an a app, and a movie or two, and perhaps next time awards will be on our minds…
Thank you very much to the following people, organizations and teams: Vincent Trastour and Flamingo Studios for the fantastic AR filter (which is now under review). Bubiko was realized by Julia Beabout and the 3D team at Novaby, especially Andrew and Hannah. Six Cat Studios gave Bubiko her appreciation of music! Many other people helped Bubiko along her journey, people in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,Texas, California, New York, Mississippi, Ohio, Italy, China, Hong Kong and beyond!